Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New 3D

I am not voulanteering for this....... Looks very uncomfortable.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

GAFFTA Field Trip

The Art 410 class went together to GAFFTA or Gray Area Foundation for the Arts which is located at 998 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94102. 

We attended GAFFTA on a rainy day and I was immediately taken by the sounds the art created. At first, when the tour guide turned on the displays i thought that the weather had turned into an incredible storm.  The sound being generated sounded like the building was under siege from a beat down of rain that echoed throughout the building.  Of coarse the weather had not started to act up, in fact it was the culmination of vibrating art pieces that summed up this sensation of sound. Every piece made by the Swiss artist Zimoun seemed to contain some form of motion, often with much randomness to it.

Frances was kind enough to let me have some pictures since i did not bring a camera. 

As you can see most of the pieces on display involved tiny motors that moved objects around frantically.  I enjoyed our visit to GAFFTA and like most others thought that one of the bonus's of this trip was the fact that the gallery was free with exception for donation.  The venue was a bit small and only contained a few rooms but overall it was a very fun experience and i would go back to see another showing sometime in the future.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Extended body, the ability to fly

Growing up we are all subjected to images of people and characters flying.  I was no exception to this and have often dreamed of flying with no apparatus or machine to guide me.  There is no way I could logically make a human fly like superman, or for that matter an angel.  We are skinned animals and would be hard pressed to integrate a gene of a species that is not a mammal.  So I researched into flying mammals and found bats the most genetically compatible for splicing, but the wing span of a bat would mean the average wing span for a human to fly would have to be about 8 ft.  I thought having our wings attached to our arms and torso would be really hard for us to go about daily life in a regular way, is I thought if we had bat style wings attached to a separate shoulder joint on the back we could fly more comfortably similar to a dragons back or an angel and looks cool too.  In the end you would need to genetically make the wings and change a couple things to the body such as extra shoulder joints and similarly the muscles to make them function.  Side effects would be new wardrobe and fashion industry. End of public transportation, lower pollution, increase in metabolic rates and lower the level of obese humans.

Monday, February 7, 2011

As We May Think

The first aspect of this article that i really enjoyed was Bush's idea for glasses that would record your daily experience through snap shots taken by a little trigger hidden somewhere on your person. This portion was quickly followed by the idea to have dry photography.  No dark rooms and red lights to produce photos but an immediate production of your photo.  I do not believe we have glasses that have camera attached to them but we do have dry photography in the form of digital cameras.  We take photos very easily and take them home to our printers where we can produce the photo immediately without any kind of dark room.

The section i like was when Bush talked about man and his ability to compute.  Bush stated that we are "primarily an individual who is skilled in the use of symbolic logic on a high plane, and especially he is a man of intuitive judgment in the choice of the manipulative processes he employs." (Bush, section 4, As we may think)  We are not machines and not meant for instantaneous calculation we are however great with logic and finding ways to use information we gather to create great things.

As far as my predictions for the future, i feel that we may find a way to create a livable atmosphere on mars through use of algae and bacteria.  We have sent ships successfully to mars and will not perfect the travel but make it more efficient.  I also predict that we will discover and put into place a new form of energy outside of fossil fuels.  We are already using other sources of power such as solar, wind, and water energy but we are discovering aspects of hydrogen energy.  Honda has already produced a vehicle which is hydrogen fueled we just need more automotive companies to hop on board and help research more efficient use of this technology.  We may also be able to recreate the power of the sun and harness that to power homes and cities.  Lastly, this is the child in me, but i would like to see some kind of hover technology in the form of skateboards like in back to the future, or flight suits on your back for personal flight.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is a modern Zoetrope and also includes how a zoetrope works and a little about its history.  Please take a peak at this it is quite amazing.

This is how to make one.
