Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Brain storm for Monument

For my monument i want to give memory to those who passed in 9/11 on flight 93 which was scheduled to land in SFO International airport. I point this fact out because i wanted to bring the children, parents, and siblings of this flight home where they fought to be.  In my monument i want to honor these people by gathering 2 family members for each passanger and making a full sculpture cast of each on of them.  I would then place them in pairs around the airport on benches and in seats and waiting rooms.  I want to create an atmosphere in which a family would be at the airport waiting to welcome their loved ones.  Imagine a mother and father sitting in a terminal with thier arms around their child in a group hug but the child was not in the middle of them.  Have a husband leaning over to kiss his long awaited wife but not have the wife on the other side of this kissing statue. Many ideas could be created and would cause a feeling of abscence like something is missing. In fact there is something missing, a human being that didn't make it home.....

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